Yummy bowl of rice and veggies

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Yummy bowl of rice and veggies

Yummy bowl of rice and veggies for dinner tonight! And how do you like your bowl?

Cucumbers with green spices (parsley/fennel), steamed rice mix, delicious mashed beans!
A healthy dip or side dish – the decision is yours.

Black rice is poured into a pot of boiling salted water and boiled for about 15 minutes. Then drain and cool. Basmati rice is prepared in the same way (boil for about 7 minutes). The two types of rice are sauteed together in heated oil.

Plain mashed beans can be used as a healthy dip or side dish. This white bean puree, which is packed with protein, iron and fiber, is made with a flavorful broth seasoned with garlic and cumin.

What will you need?
Boiled Beans. It is best to use white beans. (about 800g)
Vegetable broth ¾ cup
Garlic. Fresh garlic can be used, but garlic powder (about ½ tsp) can be used instead.
½ tsp. cumin powder
¼ tsp. salt or to taste
¼ tsp. black pepper or to taste
1 tbsp. vegetable oil (plus extra for garnish)
cumin. It just adds a nice hint of aroma and flavor.

Place all the ingredients, except the vegetable oil, in a medium saucepan and simmer for about 10 minutes, until most of the liquid has evaporated and been absorbed by the beans.
Turn off the heat and add the vegetable oil. Then mash the beans with a potato masher until smooth.
To serve, drizzle with a little melted vegetable oil and garnish with parsley.

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